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Biochar for Energy

Agglomerated Biochar ( Green Charcoal ) is an effective and valuable replacement for charcoal. Indeed, the manufacture of classic wood charcoal is responsible for dramatic deforestation in Africa.

The energy use of Biochar has different names: Bio-Coal, Green Charcoal 

It can advantageously replace traditional charcoal for its various culinary or industrial applications.


Indeed, forest resources must absolutely be preserved or used for applications where there is no alternative. Green Charcoal is made from unused vegetable waste, so the carbon emitted by the combustion of this charcoal would have been emitted by the decomposition of vegetable matter anyway. By replacing charcoal with green charcoal, we save wood in large quantities (the production yield of conventional charcoal is between 10 and 20%).


This carbon saving opens the right to the creation of specific carbon credits, which can be sold on the international market. A calculation methodology has been implemented by UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change).

To be used in the form of Green Charcoal, the Biochar produced by our CarboChar machine is agglomerated with a binder (starch, gum arabic or clay) then compressed in the form of pebbles or logs.

The family use of this Green Charcoal in Africa has been a real success during our trials. Cooking is longer and progressive, without smoke. Consumer acceptability is therefore very good.


Green Coal produced with a CarboChar has many positive impacts:


-Decrease deforestation

-Recovery of unused plant waste

-Reduces health risks for workers (the manufacture of charcoal is otherwise very harmful to health)

-Creation of many jobs

-Assurance of price stability for this essential good for the African population (vegetable waste has a constant price while the price of charcoal is linked to the price of energy and availability of the forest).

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